Multiplication Methods
Please note that all guidance below is the minimum expectations for the teaching within each year group. It is expectated that many children will move through these steps faster (although understanding of all prerequisit steps is essential before moving to abstract calculations.
Previous steps (Pre-Prep)
Children have been taught to double by adding an identical amount.
They have also been taught to double by partitioning numbers into 10s and 1s and doubling each part before recombining.
The children used a counting stick to add repeatedly for their 2x, 5x and 10x tables. They will have recited the sequences forwards and backwards.
The children represented multiplication using manipulatives like cubes. This 'array' shows 2x5 or 5x2.
Previously, the children will have looked at finding multiplication and division facts for a number by creating multiply arrays. Here are 3 examples for the number 12 (12x1,6x2,4x3)
Children used manipulatives to create EQUAL groups when multiplying
Children used different objects to add equal groups
Children used number lines and repeated addition to complete multiplication calculations
Children began to use multiplication fact triangles. Here, you can derrive 4 x 2 = 8, 2 x 4 = 8, 8 ÷ 4 = 2 and 8 ÷ 2 = 4. These are known as multiplication fact families
Year 3 and 4
Grid methods for multiplication
Starting with counters and moving on to Dienes, children represent calculations using arrays. They start by counting individual cubes but progress to counting in repeated jumps. The example shows 13 x 4 = 52
Children draw the counters to show different amounts or just use the circles in the different columns to show their thinking as shown above.
Pupils start with multiplying by one digit numbers and showing the clear addition alongside the grid. This method is a stepping stone to written multiplication - the product of two 2-digit numbers is not effectively solved using this method
Formal methods for multiplication (short multiplication)
Children should progress to short multiplication (calculations with only 1-digit multipliers).
Year 5 and 6
When multiplying decimals, the multiplier is placed in the furthest right column, regardless of value. The decimal points must be lined up in the question and the answer.
Children move on to long multiplication (calculations with at least two 2-digit numbers). Muliplication of the 1s column (blue in the example) is completed first. A zero (red) is placed in the column before calculating the 10s column. Digits are carried below the line of calculation.